From Luxurious to Adventurous, discover your taste for new experiences with my insights on some of the most intriguing spots in the world

Welcome to my blog!

If you somehow landed here, I hope you will find my passion for life and travel contagious. I created this blog in the hope of sharing not only my favorite travel experiences, but also my love of nature, adventures, culture, food, health, fitness, and style. And yes, you can have them all when you travel.

This is a blog for discerning, savvy travelers who like to travel in style and who are looking for creative and adventurous travel, yet with a certain level of comfort in mind. Whether you are in your 30s or 50s, as long as you have the desire to explore our beautiful planet, I hope that you will find something of interest here. And if your budget doesn’t allow you to stay in more upscale places, my blog still has many ideas for various adventures, mouthwatering food experiences, and interesting things to do and explore.

I consider myself a discerning traveler, not only because I like a good life, but because life is too short to have bad experiences (or drink bad wine for that matter! LOL), especially when you can’t travel as much as I do. When your time is limited, you don’t want to be disappointed, but rather have things fall perfectly into place, so you can enjoy the whole experience instead of getting aggravated. I try to provide very thorough and honest reviews on a variety of places and experiences, so all you have to do
is make reservations and live the good life……. BON VOYAGE!

If you enjoy my blog, please support me by connecting with me on social media, subscribing to my blog, and sharing the content you see here. I also always appreciate your kind comments and suggestions on how to improve it and what subjects you’d like to see covered, as well as anything relevant you’d like to share with me and our travel community.

Thanks, and enjoy!

Meet Monika

Hi, I’m Monika. My motto has always been: Variety is the spice of life. I am a wandering spirit, always itching to do and see something new. I love nature, challenging experiences and adventures, creative and unusual foods, different cultures, meeting new people, and anything that gets me out of the house.

I hope to inspire you to travel more, visit destinations you never thought about, experience the good life, yet sometimes get out of your comfort zone because that’s what makes us grow as people the most. I want to share my experiences, good and bad, so you can avoid the bad and only enjoy the best.

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Thrill of Wilderness

From Luxurious to Adventurous, discover your taste for new experiences with my insights on some of the most intriguing spots in the world

My Global Experience From Asia to Europe

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