malibu monika

Random things you may not guess about me...

1. I am a perfectionist – sometimes it’s a blessing, sometimes a curse. Because of that, I am a really good planner, but I often hold myself to higher standards than I can comfortably maintain.
2. I am fascinated by architecture and beautiful design.
3. Things I can’t live without – good healthy food and exercise. I lift weights, swim, hike, sprint, do HIIT and yoga, ski, bike, horseback ride, and…….
4. For “Monika time” I’m the happiest sweating in the gym throwing around massive amounts of iron (yes, you got that right!) – because of my previous career I still lift heavy at least 4 days a week. It allows me to shut my busy mind off better than yoga and meditation (although I do both as well). Having more muscle also helps me stay in shape during times when I don’t have access to the gym and not gain as much weight from all the food I get to eat while traveling.
5. For a more relaxing “Monika time” a great beach with warm water is my happy place.
6. I can walk for 10 hours a day without much rest – I get so engrossed in sightseeing that I forget how tired I am until I collapse on my hotel bed late at night.
7. I am a real foodie and I will try ANYTHING at least once.
8. I am a pretty good cook and I really enjoy getting creative in the kitchen if I have the time.
9. My favorite TV personality is Anthony Bourdain – I love him for his quick wit, inquisitive mind, amazing commentary and incredible knowledge not only of food, but also the world with its different cultures. However, I appreciate him most of all for his genuine interest in people and his ability to connect with them. Losing him to suicide was a huge loss for many of his fans, and for me especially, since I have dealt with depression in the past, and I know the darkness connected to that.
10. Thing I struggle the most with – patience. Or lack thereof.
11. My biggest pet peeve – bad service. Anywhere, but especially in a restaurant when I am really hungry.
That leads me to point 12:
12. Low blood sugar is not my friend. If we ever meet and I don’t seem particularly friendly, it’s probably because I am hungry, in which case, please just feed me. And don’t judge me before I finish.
13. I am addicted to spas – coffee scrubs, chocolate wraps, 4 hand lomi lomi massages – you name it – I’ll do anything for them. Well, almost.
14. I also love baths and when I’m at home I love to relax soaking in my jacuzzi tub with some Epsom salts and bubbles.
15. I am a hopeless romantic……and I’m always hoping that somewhere there are still some romantic men left in this world.
16. I am a health nut and a big believer in organic food. Most of the time when I’m at home I eat a very healthy diet, BUT….my favorite food is ice-cream. I often make my own with raw milk and cream I get from a farm. My favorite flavors are mint-chocolate chip, rum raisin and hazelnut/bacio, but I love very unusual flavors as well (pink peppercorn, goat cheese, bacon – just surprise me!). Also, any food with truffles!
17. My latest sweet tooth obsession are Portuguese pastéis de nata with a good cappuccino somewhere at a café in Portugal – crispy, flaky, not too sweet, a little warm – it doesn’t get closer to heaven than that.
18. I am not a morning person and I LOVE a good, big comfortable bed and sleeping in (not very conducive to photographing sunrises).
19. I studied applied linguistics in college wanting to become an interpreter and translator, but never pursued a career in this field emigrating to the US instead.
20. I lived in England (London and Oxford) for almost 2 years. While there, I completed Cambridge Proficiency Course in English, although I started learning English when I was 7.
21. I am an Elite Level Trainer and Health Coach and I have 7 certifications: ACSM, NASM, NSCA, ACE (2), CHEK and FDN.
22. I love style and beautiful designer clothes (Ralph Lauren and Anne Fontaine are my favorites), but I’m most comfortable in a soft T-shirt and my favorite Lululemon leggings.
23. Throughout my life I have struggled with depression, some because of genetic predisposition and a genetic variant I have, some because of things that happened in my life, and some because I am just (unfortunately) a sensitive person. (I was told by a psychiatrist that as a high IQ and a creative person I have a much higher predisposition to doom and gloom. Great! )
24. When I’m happy I’m REALLY happy. But when I’m sad and down, I’m so, so, so……the-worldwill-end kind of down.
25. Travel has been very helpful to me when I just want to get lost in the world and forget about my own troubles. Focusing on the beautiful world around us is a great remedy.
26. I get very affected by gloomy weather. Therefore, I am addicted to the sun. This is probably one of the main reasons why I left Poland because I believe I had SAD when I lived there. I’m the happiest somewhere warm by the water.
27. However, sometimes I don’t mind a spectacular storm with a heavy rain – when I’m curled up by the fireplace with a good book in my hand, or being up in the mountains covered in snow, looking at the world below as I’m zooming down on my skis.
28. My pet peeve: people who are egocentric and self-centered and who can’t see past the end of their own nose.
29. Things I despise in people: (see above) + bullying, putting others down, hypocrisy, hypocrisy, hypocrisy!!!
30. Things I value most in people: kindness, integrity, honesty and a sense of humor.
31. I strongly believe that the key to happiness is surrounding yourself with positive people and staying away from …….. (well, you know what I mean) , as well as performing random acts of kindness without expecting anything in return.