Hello! I'm Monika...


I have been traveling for many years, but it is only recently that I decided to turn my passion into a fulltime career, especially since I’m already on the road for about 1/3 of the year. Half the time I travel on my own because it allows me to spend as much time as I need to really explore each place on my own terms without driving my traveling companions crazy.
I am an avid traveler who likes a huge variety of experiences. Since I like a certain level of luxury and comfort (who doesn’t?), I try to stay in high end places whenever possible. However, this is by no means a determining factor in my choices. Most of all, I like places that have a soul – interesting and memorable and, as much as possible, unique. This is often how I choose what to do, where to eat and what to see. Yes, I have had amazing experiences in 5* hotels and Michelin star restaurants, but sometimes it’s the simplest off-the-beaten-path places and not-so-comfortable experiences that are the most exciting and meaningful, and the ones that stay with you forever.

I hope to inspire you to travel more, visit destinations you never thought about, try things that might seem intimidating, experience the good (luxe) life, yet sometimes get out of your comfort zone because that’s what makes us grow as people the most.


I love meeting new people, getting to know unfamiliar cultures, trying weird foods and having unusual experiences. The more unusual the better. For this reason, it is important for me to connect with the local people wherever I go, because often it’s
the people that give a place a special meaning. That’s why I don’t only take pictures of pretty things and nice views, but sometimes also poverty and things that are difficult to look at, as the human condition fascinates me. I consider it important, from time to time, to look at the exact opposite of luxury and everything we, in the Western world, are used to, to remind ourselves how lucky we are.

Sometimes you can find me walking through cities for hours, stopping every few minutes to look for photo opportunities or peak into unknown corners, at other times getting all dirty and muddy hiking, or eating (and drinking) my way through different cuisines. I am just as comfortable lounging by the infinity pool at a luxury resort as I am trudging all wet up the river in a jungle in Jamaica and being eaten alive by bugs. I enjoy fois gras, caviar and champagne in Paris, as much as I do fried grasshoppers washed down with a shot of mezcal somewhere in Mexico. No food is off-limits for me. I can be on a private yacht in the Caribbean one day, just to blend in with the locals at a cockfighting ring in the Dominican Republic the next.

What’s most important in my life, however, are people I connect with and get to know. I strongly believe that there is a lot more that connects us than divides us, that being kind to others is the most important thing you can do in this crazy world, and that a simple but genuine smile opens many doors…….

monika at botanical gardens